Art & Photography


11: The first of 2019! And, 3 things I have learned in 2018!

Hello You!

Happy New Year!

The first post of 2019! Hooray!

I know I haven’t been here for a while and I know it is the end of January, but anyway…I am here now.:)

How are you? Have you set your intentions for the new year yet? Did you take some time to reflect on the year that has just passed? What did you learn? What are you looking forward to?

For me, 2018 was an interesting one and one of those that I will definitely remember - for various reasons - most of them good, some of them difficult, none of them bad. 

Let me share with you three of this year’s lessons:

Lesson 1: ‘How can you expect different results if you do the same things over and over again?’

I know it sounds silly and simple and obvious but it was kind of my guiding light this year.

How many times did you say I want to win the lottery but you have never bothered to buy a ticket? How many times did you say I want to win that competition or I wish my work was part of that exhibition or whatever is that you want to do but you have never bothered doing anything about it?

So, in other words, to have a chance for a different result you need to take a different action.

And that leads us to…

Lesson 2: ‘There are many things you cannot control but there are so many other things you can.’

You can control your choices and your actions and you can start acting upon things and not reacting to them - this way you will be creating a path towards the results you want to see.

And finally…

Lesson 3: ‘The results won’t come easy, it needs practice. It is a practice.’

Martha Graham, a famous dancer said:

“I believe that we learn by practice. Whether it means to learn to dance by practicing dancing or to learn to live by practicing living, the principles are the same. In each, it is the performance of a dedicated precise set of acts, physical or intellectual, from which comes shape of achievement, a sense of one's being, a satisfaction of spirit. One becomes, in some area, an athlete of God. Practice means to perform, over and over again in the face of all obstacles, some act of vision, of faith, of desire. Practice is a means of inviting the perfection desired.” 

Invite perfection, by practicing! Change the outcome by changing your actions!

And something for the new year…

For 2019, I wish us all to dig a bit deeper and get a bit closer to the ever-changing person we want to become - the better version of us. I wish us this year and every year for that matter to keep answering the difficult questions: Who are we? Who do we want to become? What is the one thing we can do now to close that gap?

It takes time. It is a practice!

And I know that the 31st of December gives us a closure and the opportunity (or the illusion) of a restart, but bear in mind that every day is the first day of a 365 day cycle and as a result you can start or restart at any time.

To close this first post, let me know: What is the one thing you have learned or realised this year? What is the one thing you will change to get closer to the better version of you? Or what it works for you, what will you keep doing, what will you continue practicing?

Let me know!

And before you go, remember to share and like, if you liked!

Thank You for Being Here!



P.S.: I will be here!:)

It is somewhat impossible at this moment to be here once a week but I will be here! Hopefully, once a month!


  1. You cannot expect different results by doing the same things over and over again.

  2. There are a lot of things you cannot control but there are so many other things you can.

  3. It is a practice!

  4. Keep answering the difficult questions:

    Who are you?

    Who do you want to become?

    What is the one thing you can do now to close that gap?


The forever lesson: Never forget to surround yourself with humans that make you a better human!